Equipment and Requirements

Setting up for home video chat modeling involves ensuring you have the right equipment and a conducive environment. Visual ambience is one of the most important things, that first impression next to your persona is something that should be taken care of. Therefore many models decides to work rather in studio and have everything settled up than dealing with it on your own (more about this topic).


Environment, background and Decor

Registration guide


Here's a step-by-step guide to our registration process, ensuring you understand each stage and feel confident as you join our team. By following these steps, you will be fully prepared and supported as you embark on your career with us. Our goal is to make the registration process as smooth and transparent as possible, ensuring you feel confident and ready to succeed.

Go to our website and locate the log in page.


Eager to find out more, or you are having additional questions?

Do not hesitate to reach us out trough

Schedule an interview in person or online

                                                                  what's app +381 61 318 23 75

Studio vs Remote

Work from STUDIO


Working in a studio for video chat modeling offers several significant advantages over working from home, which contribute to faster growth and success in the field. Here are the main reasons why many models prefer working in a studio environment

Faster Learning and Professional Growth

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