Setting up for home video chat modeling involves ensuring you have the right equipment and a conducive environment. Visual ambience is one of the most important things, that first impression next to your persona is something that should be taken care of. Therefore many models decides to work rather in studio and have everything settled up than dealing with it on your own (more about this topic).


Environment, background and Decor

Ensure it’s a comfortable area where you can perform for extended periods, minimize background noise for better audio quality. Add decor that reflects your personality, like artwork, plants, or themed items. Ensure your background is tidy and free of distractions. 




  • Ring Light: A ring light provides even lighting and reduces shadows - full recommendation for start.
  • Softbox Lights: For more professional setups, softbox lights can provide softer, more flattering light - upgrade to later.

Use a 3-point lighting setup (key light, fill light, back light) for balanced lighting. Warm light bulbs (2700K-3000K) for a cozy feel. Soft lighting creates a flattering and inviting look. Use dimmable lights to adjust the intensity and create different moods.



For start we would recommend Logitech C920 or higher for good video quality, for some phone linking with device also works great or simple stream form phone, many platforms are lately highly mobile friendly.



Ensure it has a good processor (Intel i7 or higher/AMD Ryzen 7 or higher), sufficient RAM (16GB or more), and a solid graphics card (NVIDIA GTX 1660 or higher), these are recommended for those who are already streaming on more than one platform - these are some of recommendations considering you will stream on more than one platform, for start proper graphic and memory are satisfying. Keep in mind to always start modest and upgrade later.


Internet Connection

High speed internet is must, minimum 10 Mbps upload speed for clear, uninterrupted streaming, preferably wired for stable connectivity.


Streaming software

By focusing on these aspects, you can create a professional and inviting ambience that enhances your video chat sessions. Let the agency handle the technicalities while you ensure the environment and personal presentation are top-notch, streaming software will be provided by us, one thing less to think about.